Eynsham Arts Group was originally set up in the 1970’s to enable Artists and those who appreciate Art in its many forms to come together to talk and showcase their individual work amongst an all-inclusive and friendly group.
Our Monthly Meetings deliver Talks and Demonstrations on a wide spectrum of Art subjects by a variety of visiting guest speakers and are held on the last Thursday evening of each month at 66, Mill Street Arts Centre.
Many members support our Monthly Meetings and regular Art Exhibitions in several ways: volunteering to be Stewards for short periods when Exhibitions are running; helping with Publicity and Advertising; organising Social Gatherings and Monthly Meetings. We are all volunteers who help out as, when and where we can.
New Members may join at any time during the year, but membership is renewed at the Annual General Meeting held on the last Thursday of January each year. Those who join from September onwards in any year may continue with their paid membership for the following year.
Many members’ works can be viewed in our Gallery. Exhibition works are shown within our Catalogue online as well as within The Bartholomew Rooms during our three publicised exhibitions per year. Membership allows anyone to exhibit for a small hanging fee, however it is not mandatory to exhibit for those who prefer not to.
If you would like to become a member, please download and complete the attached application form –
click here for To check the rules of the group click here