All are welcome.

Non-members to pay a small fee at entrance.

If you have any questions concerning any of these events please contact

[email protected] 

Click on the artist’s name for more details

DateEvent detailsSpeaker
What’s s coming up in 2025

Thursday March 27th Julia Sorrell
Thursday April 24th Paul Drew
Thursday May 29th Clair Christine Sadler
Thursday June 26th Julie Waldmann
Thursday September 25th Matt Black
Thursday October 30th Tom Croft

Thursday May 22nd to Sunday May 25th
Thursday July 3rd to July 6th.
Thursday November 27th to November 30th (to be confirmed)
March 27th
Julia Sorrell
works are full of ideas as she continually tries to solve unresolved problems in drawing and painting as well as creating textiles. The latter being a means of relaxing her brain and often she will be seen drawing and painting in her garden, sketching on long walks or weaving whilst a car passenger and embroidering when entertaining or at a concert.
Julia Sorrell’s artistic career has and is a never ending journey to different places as the same place would be too boring for her. She loves to discover and explore and collect . Her studio is full of dried leaves, stones, pieces of wood etc. After all why cannot a stone be a mountain, a leaf be folded material and so on. Her versitility is such that she can be developing an imaginative ‘dreamscape’ painting, then perhaps go on to do a straight drawing of plants, then follow that with a highly observed portrait in oil.
Julia has exhibited widely including one woman shows in London, and in exhibitions around the rest of the UK, Europe and the USA.

66, Mill street
April 24th
Paul Drew is a ceramicist, sculptor, designer. The artefacts he makes are on personal themes – vessels, relics, human forms and references to the natural world.
Familiarity with certain forms and shapes emerges from early learning, sometimes primaeval. He maintains
‘ When we have an emotional response to an object, we often don’t know how far back in ourselves we must go, to feel it is familiar. The implication is that there are memories we cannot necessarily define, but we can share with other minds.’

66, Mill street